Behind the scenes of the Science in the City festival, is an international team of dedicated JEDIs who strive to create a fresh and exciting event every year, one that resonates with people from all walks of life. A festival that is sensitive to the challenges we all face and that inspires all of us to make the changes we need to overcome these challenges.
We unfortunately don’t have a magic wand to conjure up the festival. What we do have is an incredible team of creative thinkers and problem solvers, working tirelessly to bring you the best possible experience.
The Core Team
Edward Duca
Festival Coordinator, Science Communication Lecturer University of Malta
Karen Fiorini
Festival Manager
Anna Duca
Administrative Assistant
Irina Mihălcuț
Festival Assistant Manager
Brendon Thearle
Logistics Assistant
2024 Interns
Each year we welcome a new cohort of international interns who breathe new life into the festival. They have come from countries ranging from Canada to Taiwan, dedicating their time and summers to the festival. Our interns bring exciting ideas and new perspectives to the team, and help ensure the implementation of the festival.